
Membership is open to anyone over 18 years of age.

Club membership runs from 1st January to 31st December and costs £32.

New recruits join as provisional members. Provisional membership costs £32 and lasts for a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 12 months. After 6 months provisional members can apply for full membership.

All cavers must have third party public liability insurance to cover caving and caving related activities. Suitable public liability insurance can be obtained from the British Caving Association (BCA) through the club. This costs £24 per annum.

Through the National Lottery "Awards for All" scheme we have purchased personal caving gear for novices - helmets, lamps, fleece under-suits, PVC over-suits, knee-pads and belts. This gear is available for provisional members to loan for their first six caving trips. All we ask is for a £5 donation to cover wear, tear and its eventual replacement. After this period members are expected to purchase their own personal equipment.

All other equipment necessary for caving trips is available to full members to loan free of charge.

Join Us

It is now possible to join the Club, or renew your membership, online. Click here to proceed. 

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